Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Skiing canceled for March 18th

With the warm weather expected this week and reports from last weeks snow day we decided to cancel our last ski day this Monday the 18th. Concerns over skier safety was the main reason for us to cancel. If you paid or had a balance left in your account, we will try and get checks out to you within the next two weeks.

We hope those of you that took advantage of this program enjoyed it. Thank you to all of the instructors for your time and hard work. It was amazing to see students progress so quickly. We could not do it without your help.

If you have any further questions feel free to contact Eric Hagen or John Rumohr at school.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Head Lice warning at Oakhurst Campus.

We have received reports of children with head lice from two separate Mountain Home School families. In both cases, the families think the head lice came from some other place, not Mountain Home School. We are sending you this message to ask that you check your children for head lice and to remind you that students are not allowed to attend school if they have head lice. Please do not bring your child to any MHS or GHS class if he or she has head lice. Please check your mailbox here at school for information on how to check for and treat head lice.
