Monday, August 27, 2012

Changes to Variety Class for 2012-2013

There will be changes made to Variety Class for this year to accommodate 2nd and 3rd graders.  If you are already on the sign up (or 2nd semester waiting) list for Variety, you will automatically be in this class.  Hopefully this will give all 2nd and 3rd graders a chance to participate in class if they choose.  These classes will run through both semesters (specific dates are posted and in your box).  Questions?  Please contact Sylvia ext. 18

3rd grade~ Thursdays 12:45-2:00
2nd grade~ Thursdays 2:15-3:30

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Welcome back, see Newsletter and Class Scedule - signups tomorrow!

Hello Mountain Home School Students and Parents,

It is hard to believe but school starts tomorrow. You should have received our August/September Newsletter in the mail but you may also see it by clicking here. Please take some time to read this over carefully so that you do not miss out on any upcoming events.

As a reminder class sign ups will be posted tomorrow at school near the library. Many classes are first come first serve so stop by soon. Here is a revised list of times but check the sign up sheet for exact times and dates.

Click below to see details:

Semester 1 Class Schedule
Semester 2 Class Schedule (Tentative) 

If you have further questions please contact your charter teacher
