Monday, November 28, 2011

Important reminders regarding Attendance, Ski Registration, and Kids Gift workshop

·     Attendance due this Friday, December 2nd by 2pm,
o  If you need a copy of a blank attendance form, you may find them at:
·     Ski Registration forms for students and instructors due this Friday, December 2nd by 2pm to Eric Hagen - This is only for Mountain Home School. You can download a PDF of these forms by clicking here. **Note to instructors - Ski Instructor training day rescheduled to Friday January 6th at 9am at Badger Pass (meet in snowflake room).
·     No Classes for Mountain Home Students during the week of December 5th due to Kids Gift Workshop. Don't forget to signup for Kids Gift Workshop, space is limited.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Underwater Robotics canceled November 22nd

Underwater Robotics class is canceled November 22nd due to the amount of students who are unable to attend. We will resume at the regularly scheduled time the following Tuesday, contact Eric Hagen if you have further questions.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Phone system is back up, sorry for any inconvience.

Wednesday 11/9/11 our local phone company experienced some outages. We are back up and running. Sorry for any inconvience.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Parent workshops November 9th covering teaching strategies in Math.

Two parent workshops are being held this Wednesday, November 9th. Both workshops will cover teaching strategies to assist you as you are teaching your student math skills. A 4th-7th grade math workshop will be held at 11:00 am and a primary math workshop will be held at 1:30 pm. Thank you and we hope you can make one or both sessions! 

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Ski Registration and Information

Ski Registration forms and information are now available in your school mailbox or by clicking here. Registration ski forms will be due Friday, December 2nd. Please turn them in to the box near Mr. Hagen's office. The first ski day will be Monday, January 9th and the anticipated cost is $14 per student. In addition, we hope to have a parent training day at Badger on December 16th, so try to keep this open if you plan to teach skiing or snowboarding this year. Please read over all the information carefully and refer questions to Eric Hagen.

Attendance due 11-4-11 at 2pm

This is just a friendly reminder that attendance is due tomorrow, Friday November 4th by 2pm. Please remember to sign each line of attendance in either a blue or black pen. Please mark the appropriate boxes for subjects covered each day.

If you need a copy of a blank attendance form, you may find it at:
Thank you for turning this in on time, it really benefits the school and all the families we serve. Please contact your charter teacher if there is a problem turning in your attendance tomorrow.
