Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Ski Information update - new Badger Policy for helmets

Badger Pass recently received a donation of new helmets by the Winter Ski Club. These helmets are free to members (you will need to show membership card) otherwise they are now charging for all helmets. Badger is giving us half off the normal price. The reduced price is $4.25 for child and $4.75 for adult. You will have to pay for rental of helmets at Badger Pass. As a reminder snowboarders are required to wear helmets and wrist guards. If you do not already own a helmet, you may want to consider purchasing one for your child. Early this year Costco did have a great deal on helmets, I do not know if they are still carrying them in stock.

Last Monday Badger was understaffed in the rental shop which made waits longer then usual but hopefully it will go much smoother next week. Before entering the rental shop please check with me to see if there are other instructions and that you have your yellow pass. Lets also try to arrive at 8:45am next week and beat the rush. Don't forget that you must pay the Tuesday before we ski and you have until Friday 3pm to cancel. Contact Eric Hagen if you have any further questions.

February Newsletter Online

We are pleased to announce that the February newsletter is available online in the pdf format. Click here to view it. Please let us know if you have any trouble viewing this file. Don't forget that you can get the latest information directly from our website www.mountainhomecharter.org

Friday, January 14, 2011

Picture Make-Up Day and Reorders

If you missed our fall picture day, now is your chance to get your picture taken and your face in our yearbook! There will be packets available to purchase. This is also a chance for you to reorder pictures you may have taken in the fall.
Date: Thursday, Jan 20
Time: 8:30-12:00

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Ski Payment due Wednesday 1-5-10 and new forms need to be filled out from Badger.

 I have confirmed with Badger Pass that students will pay $14 (includes skis/snowboard, boots, poles, and lift pass with our ski instructors). Parents who would like to assist one of our instructors may also pay the $14 price and receive ski rentals/lift pass also. When you pay our secretary Melissa for skiing please specify how many adults and students will be skiing each week. As a reminder, you are responsible for making sure your child has snow clothes, gloves, goggles/glasses, and if snowboarding - wrist guards and helmet. (Badger has let us use their helmets in the past for no charge but supplies are limited).

  Please follow the link below to print and fill out the following forms and bring them with you to the first day of skiing at Badger Pass. These forms were NOT included with your original paperwork.
Additional Reminders:
  • You must pay $14 by the Wednesday before the Monday we ski. So January 5th is the deadline for payment for our first ski day of January 10th.
  • We will NOT ski on the following Monday's, January 17th, February 14th and 21st due to Holidays and Badger will not give us the $14 price. This is a change from what was originally listed for ski dates.
  • On the Monday that we ski, call (559) 642-1422 ext. 5 – to confirm that our school will be skiing that day even if the weather looks good. If the school cancels for any reason you will not be charged for that week.
  • **If you must cancel for any reason, this must be done by the Friday before we ski to be guaranteed that you will not be charged for the following Monday. To cancel – call Eric Hagen at (559) 642-1422 ext. 20**
  • Any money left in your ski account will be refunded at end of ski season.
